Studio offerings

One-on-one & semi private sessions

One-on-one (or Semi Private) personal training
45min/1 hr

Private and semi-private sessions focusing on clients’ specific movement patterns and goals. From finding more ease walking up stairs to training for their first marathon, our trainers will customize programming to get our clients closer to their goals. 

Private yoga sessions 
1 hr

Whether you’re working toward a specific posture or transition or just want the dedicated eye of a teacher, private yoga can be a wonderful way to unlock the asana and find more freedom in your body. 

Small group sessions

Our small group sessions are limited to 4-6 people to allow for focused teaching, guidance, feedback and assists. Sign up is required.

Just Move (50 min)
If you’re new to exercise, coming back from a movement break, or healing from an injury, this is a great place to start. In these sessions we just move – you’ll get an introduction to fitness movement patterns, stability work to build a strong foundation, and start your fitness journey feeling welcome, supported and encouraged along the way. Expect body weight and light-weight movement, stability and core work, and specific mobility to bring more freedom to the areas that feel tight in your body. 

Build Well (50 min)
Build Well focuses on developing a strong foundation through basic strength training principles. With each session building off the last, participants will grow weight lifting skills and stamina to see real progress over time.

Move Free - Mobility (45 min)
As we all know, as we age our bodies can feel tighter, stickier, and less mobile. And let’s face it, sitting at desks, in our cars and on trains everyday isn’t helping matters. Come find more freedom in your body. We’ll focus not just on stretching but creating active range of motion. These sessions will be full body and explore mobility drills and exercises to bring more fluidity, ease, and freedom to your spine, hips, shoulders and everything in between.

check out our schedule